We take you to visit the most representative elements of Cardona as a town. History, geology… are an essential part of our town.

The exploitation of salt and the Salina Valley constitute Cardona’s raison d’être and the cause of the splendor of its past. Its settlement charter, one of the oldest in Europe, included the right of the villagers to obtain salt forever more.

The castle, the never-conquered fortress, the last bastion of Catalan freedoms, was the seat of the powerful lineage of the Count-Dukes of Cardona, “the kings without a crown”, rich salt lords related to the main European families.

Around the wealth of salt and the strategic crossroads, a medieval town grew up ruled by merchants and porters who built the historic center of Cardona, today declared a cultural asset of national interest.

Today, Cardona, located in a privileged natural environment, is on its way to becoming a Healthy Village where residents and visitors can enjoy a wide range of activities in nature.

If you want, we can manage the tours that can be part of those already offered by the Cardona Historical Foundation or we can set up personalized tours for you.



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